What is a Computer Science Student Group and why is it important to me? Let’s start by thinking about why I joined the first place. I am an active duty Army officer, so I needed some sort of group to do my homework and project with. Being an officer myself, I really didn’t want to do my assignment or project with anyone else besides those who are part of my team. The computer science department at the University of Michigan offered a great group to start with.
What is a Computer Science Student Group? A Computer Science Student Group is a group of students who are studying computer science and associated areas of math and science. The group generally meets once a week for a couple months in the fall semester of their four-year degree program read review. The name is short for “Computer Science Research Group” and their mascot is the bears. The University of Michigan offers many different campuses and locations where you can get a Computer Science Student Group Name.
Why do I need to have a group name? Well, there are a couple of reasons. When you are getting started in your college career, it is very important to have some kind of group to give you some kind of a sense of direction. Even though you might have the most incredible idea in the world, if you have no one to bounce ideas off of, your brain will likely end up spinning in circles.
Why not use a group name? Well, you could have the Computer Science Study Group. This would be a good example of how a group name can help you with direction. Instead of saying,” GROUP Name”, we can say “Computer Science Study Group”.
Who should be in this group? Ideally, every student in every department (Mathematics, Arithmetic, Chemistry, Physics, etc. ), every student majoring in a computer related field should be in the group. Every student in the department should be interested in computers. Some students may be more interested in programming or engineering. But this should be broadened every so often to allow for a wider variety of interests.
Why not have a committee chair? There are a few ways to do this. One way is by election. Each student would nominate a person to be the chair. Then the students would elect this person each semester until a winner is found.
Why not name the Computer Science Study Group after yourself? The name “Group Name” can also be the name of the class you are teaching. It doesn’t have to be a fancy name. It can just be a name. For example Computer Science is a great class name because “Computer Science” is a cool name!
Why not put all the information on a card and pin it to the wall? Go to the bulletin board at school and have all the names and dates pinned up. Have a small plaque with the name and date pinned up on the wall. Then people can see it every day.
You could go to the alumni center at your school and ask them if they would suggest a name for the group. They may know someone who is already in the group and might be able to steer you in the right direction. Another idea is to use your Alma mater’s website or alumni magazine. These will usually give you a short list of suggestions.
How about naming the group something completely different? A Computer Science Team building Society could be naming the Computer Science Alumni Team. Have the letters C.S.C. (Computer Science Committee) superimposed over the picture of a robot. This way the students can vote on the best letter and it will be the name of the class.
There is one student who decided to call their group the Computer Science Scholars. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? I would have liked to see a Computer Science/Electrical Engineering combination group. That would have been a lot of fun.
So there you are. You have some options here. There are plenty of ideas out there. You just have to pick the one that fits best with your group and is closest to your heart. Make sure you pick a group name wisely.